Where's the education now?

A lot of controversial issues are already emerging worldwide about this break out of a pandemic. It targets the health, relationships, life activities that are important to us. But among the youths, the biggest problem they're encountering now is on education.

In the Philippines, we have this blended learning system that the Department of Education had implemented. It is still on going and the processes are on the run. This type of learning now that we are doing is really different form the old one or the real one to be exact. As a student, I have noticed that I'm not earning or gaining new knowledge that much compared to how we used to be taught of. It doesn't mean that whenever we receive every activity and notes, we already know what to do and how to apply it in our lives. All students are scared and worried of the possibilities it may give to us. A top concern in connection to this is the quality of education we deserve and need to obtain. This priority is definitely an essential instrument to achieve our dreams in life. During this time, it may fall down or decrease in percent. There is a difficulty in every aspect of it that even determining the weakness and strengths of a student is hard to determine and evaluate. We cant be so sure on what field of their capabilities are in need of improvements or developments. Many of us were devastated and some suffer from depressions too due to its consequences. The quality we'll obtain for this school year might be insufficient for us to go on to the next stages of learning. We all need a more effective and more convenient way to enhance ourselves in the tracks we choose to take.

The expectations of the youth for this year might get lost on the way. Our education now is in a critical situation and the demand on great responses from the higher offices are increasing day by day. The education we are holding now might loose its hope already. What more on us?


  1. Your blog is informative, it states facts because we experienced it as a student. I agree that our education is in critical education right now but this won’t last long. Yes, a lot of students are experiencing difficulties towards this education system amidst the pandemic.

  2. The image defines more the content of your blog. Your theme is quite pleasing, i’m looking forward to your next blogs.

  3. Excellent work Renz! Your ideas are well-presented and your blog is well-structured. I do agree with you because this article speaks the truth about this new learning system. Continue spreading awareness Renz, Goodluck! Stay safe and Godbless!

    1. Your theme is really nice! Simple but it helps your readers a lot to understand your content more. The image you have inserted is relevant to your topic which makes your readers to identify your point in this article. Great job! Keep it up Renz!

  4. You're spitting facts! Great job and have a jolly Christmas.

  5. Your theme is really pleasing and unique. The image is really related to your blog. Great job!

  6. Good Day Renz!, I am totally amazed about your article, I agree with you because I also experience it, not only me but we students. I am looking forward to you next blog. Keep up the good work.

    And also your theme was good, Great Choice!. Overall your article was excellent. Stay safe!

  7. Amazing! Your article is basic yet it is straightforward and extremely significant. Plus, your decision of subject is incredible, additionally the pictures you use are overall quite extremely fitting. Really good job! God bless!

  8. You did a good job in breaking down the topic on how the quality of our education was degraded by the pandemic. I expect to see blogs like these in the future!

  9. Your article is very outspoken, simple yet very powerful. the thought of your article is very complete plus the picture that complimented that the whole article... very gratifying!


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